
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that uses “Universal Life Force” to assist one with their healing experience. A Reiki practitioner will use gentle hand placements along the physical and astral body and will channel this “Universal Life Force” that is also known as divine source or light. This technique can promote deep healing for ones physical, mental, and spiritual well-being all while helping one to make deeper connections within themselves.

Located at Home Studio. Address disclosed at booking.

45 Minute Energy Healing Session


1 Hour Energy Healing Session -


Distance Reiki - a way of receiving Reiki healing through space and time without having to be physically present. The reiki practitioner will tap into you and your energy and will send Reiki healing and symbols to your mind, body, and spirit to promote a deep healing experience. The power of Distance Reiki has astonishing results.


Mobile Reiki- is a unique offering where you can enjoy the benefits of Reiki healing from the comfort of your own home or perhaps somewhere in nature. This service is offered within the Catskill Mountain region. Mileage will be considered with any healing services outside of the region.


Add Ons:

Tarot Reading - $20

Tibetan Singing Bowl - $10

Crystals - $8